
Gallery Pages - Reunions & Other Photos

   The Gallery pages are works in progress and we'd like to add more content, so send us your recent and older reunion photos, scanned snapshots, clippings or documents from way back when that you would like to share. Send them to our webmaster.
  It would be helpful if you include information about the photos - dates, names of the events, locations, names of people, etc.

The Reunions Page
   This page has links to Reunion Photos where available, along with documents such as Invitations, Programs, Booklets, etc.

  • 60th - June 22, 2024 at the Drusilla Restaurant Ballroom
  • 55th - July 13, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Premier II Ballroom
  • 50th - July 11-12, 2014 at the Holiday Inn South
  • 45th - July 11, 2009 at the Holiday Inn South
  • 40th - June 26, 2004 at the Holiday Inn South
  • 30th - August 20, 1994 in Baton Rouge. Please help us locate the program and photos.
  • 25th - August 19, 1989 at the Shenandoah Country Club. Please help us locate programs and photos.
  • 20th - June 9-10, 1984 at The Ashley Manor and the U.T.C. Hall Campgrounds.
  • 10th - June 15-16, 1974 at The White House Inn and Greenwood Park. Please help us locate photos.

Other Photos
  • Don Berry's photos from the Mu Sigma trip to New York city and Washington, DC, in November 1963
  • Don Berry's photos from Senior Day in 1964
  • Ken Wall's photo of the 1963-64 IHS Basketball Team taken on July 12, 2014.
  • Ken Wall has shared several photos and news clippings of the 1964 IHS Indian Basketball team.

© 2024 Istrouma High School Class of 1964 Reunion Committee
Carolyn Ponder Ellender, Co-Chair